筒井 泉 氏(高エネルギー加速器研究機構・ダイヤモンドフェロー)
・7月 26日(水)
13:00~14:30 B-212
14:50~16:20 B-212
・7月 27日(木)
13:00~14:30 B-212
14:50~16:20 B-212
16:40~18:00 B-211(教室談話会)
・7月 28日(金)
13:00~14:30 B-212
14:50〜16:20 B-212
Knowing deeply the foundations of quantum mechanics and thereby utilizing them can lead us to discoveries of unknown physical phenomena and also to novel technologies. Indeed, the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for paving the way to quantum information science through the demonstration of “quantum entanglement,” a characteristic property of quantum states. In addition, “quantum entanglement” has become a prime source of studies in fundamental physics such as in the early universe or particle physics. In view of this ongoing trend, we provide a review of the unsolved questions underlying the foundations of quantum mechanics along with the physical outcomes they imply. We then introduce some of the hot topics of quantum foundations being investigated recently.
(1) 量子力学の基本法則:何が問題か
(2) EPR論文と量子力学の不完全性
(3) 状況依存性、非局所実在性、Bell不等式
(4) 「量子もつれ」の物理から量子情報科学へ
(5) 自由意志定理とPBR定理
(6) 非局所性の物理:量子の相互作用とトポロジー
(7) 新しい量子物理量「弱値」とは
(8) 「弱値」を測る:「弱測定」と精密測定
(9) 量子現象の乱数性とは